The secrets of dog language

2-Day "Dog Whisperer Course" with Eva Windisch for 2018

In this 2-day course, our dog whisperer and dog book author Eva Windisch will show you the secrets of dog language and the bonding activities between humans and animals associated with it.

About the Dog Whisperer Course

Do you wish to strengthen the bond with your dog? Or do you have a specific problem such as walking on a lead, biting, barking, provocation, aggression, begging or restiveness? These problems are easy to solve here in a relaxed atmosphere with careful guidance. Your dog doesn't sit still in restaurants? What better place to tackle this problem than here? Eva Windisch's work incorporates the latest scientific findings in a completely non-violent way.

Her approach is totally unique and she has become one of the most well-known dog trainers in Germany.

We distance ourselves from orders, commands and punishment, and develop a relationship between man and dog, by making ourselves indispensable for the dog. We enter the dog's world and discover that each problem is much easier to solve than we could ever have dreamed of.

Contact & Info

You can book the dog whisperer and dog book author Eva Windisch here in the hotel any time - on request and with advance notice.
One hour individual training: € 40

Further information and registration with Eva Windisch:

Dates and Price

2-Day Course on Sunday & Monday

2/3 September 2018
7/8 October 2018

The price of € 100 per pack is of course for the whole family incl. dog(s).
Should you still require an individual session after the course, this is free. Should you need a course again on your next holiday at our hotel, this is also free of charge - subject to a place being available.


09.00 - 12.00 hrs: Discussion in the Cellar Bar, then we go to the hotel's own dog park and work on body language. Then we work in individual human-dog teams, learning to analyse the dog's body language and to understand its needs.

14.00 - 16.00 hrs:
We focus on obedience on the lead and discover that this much easier to master than we thought.

10.00 - 12.00 hrs: Group work - we specifically address conflict situations. We learn to be the main contact person for our dog in respect of all needs, hardships and problems.

14.00 - 16.00 hrs:
Communal walk applying what we have learned and practice in the restaurant.

Course contents are:
Body languages of dogs and humans. How can they be brought together? How do I learn to be clear? How can I learn a body language that any dog immediately understands and does not have to learn? How can I motivate without treats, toys or similar? What do I need to do so that my dog no longer pulls on the lead? How can I get aggression on the lead and excessive barking under control? My dog bites, snaps, growls, does not sit still, is frantic, does not follow instructions - what should I do?

We deal with all problems individually until they have been solved or we have found a way to solve them. We specifically focus on crisis situations. Problems will be solved rather than evaded. Dealing with the causes rather than covering over the symptoms.

A dog is a man's best friend - and we too try to be our dog's best friend. Because only friendship can create trust and devotion.

Lectures about current canine topics and facts

In addition, Eva Windisch will be giving free 1½ hour lectures on the following evenings at 20.30 hrs. The lectures will included current canine topics and facts, with important aspects by which you can learn how to better understand your dog and create greater harmony with each other.

7/8 April
5/6 May
2/3 June
30/1 July
4/5 August
1/2 September
6/7 October